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Where do these prices come from?

We use Amazon's Product Advertising API to retrieve product information.

How often is this site updated?

Prices are updated every four hours.

Why doesn't this product appear on your site?

We aggressively filter our product list to remove duplicates, fake products, spam, and out-of-stock listings. This results in the removal of approximately 1.9% of all listings. In some cases, our algorithms cannot correctly classify products into a known category, so they may be unintentionally excluded. The list of unclassifiable products is reviewed by a human editor semi-regularly.

We are also limited by the functionality of the Product Advertising API and cannot retrieve more than 100 items per query and can only perform a limited number of queries per day. This leads to the exclusion of many products with a low sales ranking. If there is a product that you believe should be listed, please email its ASIN to

Why shouldn't I buy the cheapest art supplies?

Pricing reflects a large number of factors including warranty duration, intended market, manufacturing processes, expected performance, and inventory levels. If you’re building an art supply set where you can tolerate some variability and don’t need premium quality, cheaper supplies might be acceptable. For information about specific art supply brands and technologies, various art blogs and review sites have very in-depth reviews.

What about shipping?

The prices listed here don't include shipping and taxes, as we don't know where you live. The majority of these listings include free shipping, especially if you have Amazon Prime, but make sure to check shipping costs before placing an order.

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We receive commissions for products purchased through the links on this site through Amazon's Affiliate Program.

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